For evil to prevail, all it takes is for good people to do nothing.
Take for example, these fine young men, who made the trip from their homes in Hayseed, Mississippi,
all the way out to Washington, DC.
These brave American patriots, maskless and without fear of Covid-19, took the initiative to overrun, terrorize and ransack our nation's capital. Our selfless commander in sleaze is very proud of these boys.
I really like how the man on the left neatly trimmed his moustache so that he would look as handsome and dignified as possible for the photo-op he craved. Further enhanced by the man on the right with his much more natural looking facial hair, proudly swaggering his official QAnon photo ID. Brilliant!
Free speech at it's best. I'll bet these guys love Mel Gibson movies, although the guy on the left looks more like he belongs in a Mel Brooks movie.
These brave American patriots, maskless and without fear of Covid-19, took the initiative to overrun, terrorize and ransack our nation's capital. Our selfless commander in sleaze is very proud of these boys.
I really like how the man on the left neatly trimmed his moustache so that he would look as handsome and dignified as possible for the photo-op he craved. Further enhanced by the man on the right with his much more natural looking facial hair, proudly swaggering his official QAnon photo ID. Brilliant!
Free speech at it's best. I'll bet these guys love Mel Gibson movies, although the guy on the left looks more like he belongs in a Mel Brooks movie.