Our Home
The Rent is too Damn High
Letter to the Board
Annual Audit
Property Values
Quality of Life
Home First Illinois
Don's letter
The Golden Rulers
The Intimidators
The Ingold Ambition
Double Dippin' Dave
The Free Lunch
King George
Bulk Internet
The Tax Liens
The Door
The Law
Declaration Awareness Month
Review Committee
The Parker Lawsuit
Our Assessments
Financial Insecurity
Malibu East
Marina City
680 N Lake Shore
Big John
Park Tower II
Nicosia's Liens
Property tax liens were assessed against
David Nicosia's
unit, totaling $6,350.00, recorded in 2005 and 2007, owed to Park Tower Condo. Association. Property tax information can be found at the
web site of the Cook County Recorder of Deeds